Our Work

Proving Innocence

Centurion investigates claims of innocence without any requirement that a particular type of evidence exist in a case. The majority of our cases do not have a scientific element that would be probative of innocence. We take on the toughest cases and utilize our investigative expertise and 40 years of post-conviction legal experience to exonerate the innocent in prison. 

Our Process

Our team of 15 case volunteers from a variety of professional and business backgrounds and 14 staff members evaluate more than 1,100 new claims of innocence each year. Developed over the last 35 years, Centurion’s case selection process is designed to ensure that each request is carefully reviewed so that we can continue to make well-informed decisions and avoid mistakenly turning someone away.

Our Case Development Team reviews all letters and decides which ones to assign for further development. Case Development is labor-intensive work that requires thousands of man-hours each year. Centurion’s volunteer case developers dedicate their time to communicating with inmates to compile a comprehensive record and analysis of the facts of their cases. Once fully developed, cases are reviewed by Centurion’s leadership. Based on the obtainable evidence and viability of available legal avenues, decisions are made on next steps. 

Our clients are our family. While working to exonerate a client we support them while they are still in prison, helping to ease the incredible weight of incarceration.   We also support any efforts to further their education or to learn a skill.  Once freed, our team, which includes a licensed social worker, carefully works with the individual creating strategies for them to succeed.  We provide assistance with housing, employment, clothing, medical check ups, or simply being a voice on the other end of a phone. Above all we walk with them on this new journey.

Just like any family, everyone is different and their needs are different.  The common thread is our care and concern for their well-being.  We want them to succeed once free.  We want their freedom to be a joyous experience, for them not to feel alone as they navigate the new world.


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