Our Mission

To vindicate
the wrongfully convicted.

Centurion is a national non-profit (501(c)3) organization dedicated to the vindication of the wrongly convicted. Since 1983, we have had 70 releases from prison of men and women who were serving life or death sentences for crimes they did not commit. That’s over 1,500 years of life lost. We take on the hard cases, the ones others leave behind. We re-investigate the crime, uncovering lost evidence, finding new evidence, convincing a coerced witness to come forward with the truth, overturning false confessions, and sometimes even finding the real criminal.

Over 1,100 new requests for help come to Centurion each year and we are currently developing more than 100 cases of wrongful conviction. Centurion bears all costs associated with proving our clients’ innocence and helping them get on their feet post-release.

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